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Solid waste management with GPS tracking software

Solid waste management with GPS tracking software

The Clean India Initiative mandates the states of India to follow government guidelines for waste pickup and disposal. Luckily, we’ve got just the right tools to make this happen!

How it works

Here's why our solutions stand out from the rest


Ensuring top-notch condition of trash trucks and sweeping vans through maintenance reminders

We can help you track garbage pickup trucks in real-time. Thus providing you with a 360° visibility!


Get notified when trash gets collected from a pre-defined checkpoint. Our system also generates violations generated for late pickups or missed checkpoints.

We plan optimum routes after weighing in factors like detours, employee absences, and vehicle breakdowns.


We offer axle scale integrations to track the weight of collected waste. You can also monitor dump yard perimeters and get notified when a trash truck enters or leaves it.

Tools that help you excel


Uffizio provides businesses with tools and actionable data—so they no longer operate in the dark. Our solutions have been deployed by businesses of all sizes and types. For higher profits, greater scalability, and efficient operations-choose Uffizio!

Resource Optimization

Plan faster and efficient waste collection routes, balance workloads, and streamline all operations.

Tracking progress

Camera integrations serve as proof of service. Workers can capture photos/videos & record what’s done.


Monitor employees, trash trucks, citizen complaints, recycle bins, and more!

Predictive maintenance

Ensuring top-notch condition of trash trucks through maintenance reminders

3500 +

Trash trucks tracked and monitored by Uffizio.

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65.47 %

Decrease in the spoilage of drugs and medicine

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garbage truck

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